Har lagt upp en CV på monster.co.uk för att kunna hitta ett extrajobb som är relaterat till vad jag faktiskt läser. Igår fick jag mitt första svar, och det gjorde mig lite fundersam.... Bedöm själva:
We have found your resume at Monster.co.uk and we would like to offer you a job. It is a part-time job that consists of receiving payments from customers (through bank transfers) and then making further payments to our main office or to one of our regional affiliated departments, depending on the customer's location.Your commission as an agent is 6% of each transaction. For example, if you receive 2000 GBP to your bank account, you will withdraw the money and keep 120 GBP for yourself. Your salary will be approximately 12000 GBP per year. The hours for this work are flexible and can be combined with any permanent or other part-time job, with an average workload of up to 10 hours a week. All additional money transfer fees and money transfer-related charges are covered and paid for by our company. Therefore you'll only be responsible for making the proper payments in time (i.e. within 48 hrs of successful receipt into your account). Each transaction will be transferred only after prior notification, which will sometimes be a notification by phone call.Our company's principal business is based on a peer-to-peer type payment network, this business model heavily employs all the latest internet technologies. We are one of only a few companies that uses regional representatives in its business operations. This avoids high foreign taxation and cross-board acquisition fees. If you are interested in our offer, please feel free to ask for details of the general provisions of the contract.Best regards,Rita WidmerMan vet inte riktigt vad man ska tro. Dock kan man dra två slutsatser. Antingen är det ett försökt till att få tag på mina uppgifter eller så vill de att ja ska göra något som jag tror är lite olagligheter.